Iberbrush cepillos
Cepillos Centrales Industriales * Cepillos Laterales Industriales * Cepillos Disco
Discos Portapad * Cepillos Cilíndricos* Cepillos Viales Cilíndricos
Cepillos Viales Laterales * Company Profile


From the brush for the washing to the brushes for professional, industrial and
special use. That's what happened to the Tre Colli Company, starting from a
research during the post-war period based on an ancient artisan activity.
The Company, led by Bonotto family through generations, has been able to
consolidate and increase its competence in order to get to the entirely informative
production of today.
Thanks to commitment and professional attitude the market areas have become
more and more ample, reaching the world wide dimensions of today.
Thanks to a base technology which makes wide applications possible, the Tre
Colli brush develops its potentialities continuously.
Its application can be performed in the most different branches of industry, from
the cleaning of big surfaces to the zootechnic, agricultural and alimentary fields.